We develop integral solutions to implement your ideas making use of gis & data engineering, drones & robotics, and artificial intelligence.

Our approach

We take on projects that are inherently complex and, by their nature, can't be addressed with a standard methodology. By following a custom approach we manage to handle this uncertainty and move the project through very specific and incremental stages. This approach has the benefit of detecting potential problems early in the solution development cycle, therefore minimizing costs and increasing efficiency.
We evaluate the original idea from a technical standpoint in order to determine the most efficient way to approach the solution. Identifying any and all constraints at this early stage allows us to increase its chances of success.
After the solution looks viable on paper, we go on to the next stage as we develop a POC (proof of concept) that technically validates the previous stage conclusions. POCs are not intended to represent productive solutions, but they provide critical input for later development stages.
At the MVP (minimum viable product) stage, we've already assessed the viability of the project, so we move on to building a first productive version of the solution. MVPs are designed to include a small subset of core functionalities that will later on be included in the complete solution. MVPs are excellent tools to promote and justify the development of the full fledged solution, both internally and towards the market.
Some of our projects
Fertilizer machine calibration using drones and AI techniques
We set up a drone flight plan to capture images on specific points along a fertilized area. Afterwards, we process these images using AI techniques to calculate and present the detected distribution pattern, allowing for quick machine recalibrations.
Akopica: visualization of agronomical surveys
We are exploring the use of our platform Akopica together with INTA Oliveros, focusing on the visualization of agronomical survey information on maps.
Soy seed classification based on thread color
Together with INTA Oliveros, we use Machine Learning and Computer Vision techniques to classify seeds based on their thread color.
Normative compliance using AI
We develop NLP based components to classify laws and regulations based on the organization’s line of business, providing them with the required information to facilitate their compliance processes.
Technical monitoring of farming units
We developed a software platform for the technical monitoring of farm units; designed for organizations that provide agricultural professionals services to their associates.
Drone with spectrometer sensor for biomass estimation
Experimental drone with spectrometer, spectral cameras and other sensors for the Computational Fluids Dynamic and Hydrodynamic Research Group of the CIFASIS/CONICET Institute.
Leave us your message and we will contact you.

+1 646 430-9506

19 W 34th St
New York, NY 10001


Calle Goya número 51
Planta 1, puerta izquierda
Madrid, CP 28001


+54 11 5219 0757

Monroe 5088, Piso 6
Capital Federal, C1431CAP

Zona i, Lamadrid 468, Torre 1
Rosario, Santa Fe

Alberdi 812
Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos


+57 4 516-7770 (1054)

52-20 Calle 67, Torre A, Ruta N
Medellín, Colombia

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